We do all the in home essentials from high dusting to low dusting.


  • Appliances

  • Microwave

  • Tables and Chairs

  • Sinks scrubbed and disinfected

  • Floors vacuumed and washed

  • Countertops and backsplash

  • Baseboards and all woodwork

  • Windowsills

  • Trash emptied


  • Toilets disinfected

  • Tubs and shower

  • fixtures

  • countertops

  • Cabinets

  • Mirrors

  • Baseboards

  • Floors vacuumed and washed

  • Trash emptied

Other areas

  • Picture frames and lamps dusted

  • Ceiling fans

  • furniture vacuumed and carpets

  • Hardwood and Tile Flooring

  • Baseboards and woodwork

  • Stairs and hallways

  • Trash Emptied


  • Mirrors

  • Beds Made

  • All furniture dusted

  • Baseboards and woodwork

  • Picture frames and lamps dusted

  • Straightening

  • Trash emptied